Monday, September 2, 2019

Damage over a lifetime

While I was traveling in August I intentionally paid no attention to the news. So I hadn’t heard that David Koch had died. Some people are reluctant to speak ill of the dead. Mark Anderson of Daily Kos has no such problem. He describes the damage David Koch and his brother Charles did over a lifetime.

When Koch died he was worth about $51 billion. Already that tells me he exploited people. Anderson explains more. Throughout his life Koch gave large sums of money to make sure the gushers of money from his oil companies continued. He also gave large sums to advance conservative causes, such as Americans for Prosperity and the Tea Party. Because of his big political donations he had the GOP so desperate to please him they would do all they could to enact his goals. His war on climate science has brought the world to the brink of disaster. He was the money and influence behind why the GOP stopped governing and turned to be interested in only power. His influence brought us the nasty guy.

Given the amount of damage David Koch has done in his lifetime it is not tasteless to point out how evil he was. Anderson wrote:
He will not be here for the climatic disaster he has wrought upon the world. My child will, though.

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