Thursday, September 5, 2019

If the system is broken, policy doesn’t matter

A tweet from The Intercept:
Members of Congress who pay their dues and hit their targets are rewarded with better committee assignments in the future, and more favorable treatment of legislation they author, than members who shirk their dues.
That links to an article on The Intercept, with a title about the amount of money the Democratic leadership requires a member to raise to be on certain committees.

Congressman Justin Amash from western Michigan responded to that tweet:
Republicans have a similar operation. It is plainly corrupt to be compelled to raise money and campaign for your party in exchange for official government assignments and benefits.
And responding to Amash Twitter used with the handle dunder mifflin, this is Diane tweeted a thread:
This is something that @AOC has spoken about before as well. Members of Congress who raise tons of $$$ being rewarded with the best committee appointments + them/others spending tons of time dialing for dollars in order to keep/get them. Unacceptable.

One of the most important things in politics to me isn't even policy, but the overall structure of our government and what kind of behavior we allow to go on within it. A fair system where transparency and ethics are upheld and there is little unscrupulous wheeling and dealing.
As @AOC has mentioned when speaking about it previously, she has more time to do her actual *job* because she's not dialing for donors or at back-to-back fundraisers. She doesn't participate in this system, and has zero points.
If the system is broken, the policy that you're proposing doesn't matter. If you're not interested in pushing for and implementing structural reform in this country, then frankly I'm not very interested in anything you have to say.
For those rusty on initials, AOC is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York.

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