Sunday, January 19, 2020

Given up on finding out the truth

Sean Illing of Vox commented that whatever evidence is produced at the impeachment trial about to begin in the Senate won’t change anyone’s mind. He suggests why that is:
We live in a media ecosystem that overwhelms people with information. Some of that information is accurate, some of it is bogus, and much of it is intentionally misleading. The result is a polity that has increasingly given up on finding out the truth. As Sabrina Tavernise and Aidan Gardiner put it in a New York Times piece, “people are numb and disoriented, struggling to discern what is real in a sea of slant, fake, and fact.” This is partly why an earth-shattering historical event like a president’s impeachment has done very little to move public opinion.

Moscow Mitch is making sure we find out as little as possible about what happens during that Senate trial. Extra security steps are being set up so reporters can’t take digital devices into the Senate chamber to properly capture the moment. Reporters won’t be allowed to wander the halls and ask pesky questions as senators walk to and from the chamber. The C-Span cameras could be turned off at critical moments.

Evidence against the nasty guy? What evidence?

As I’ve noted before Candidate Elizabeth Warren has put out several plans on how she intends to make big banks and other Wall Street companies to start serving the people rather than their own pockets. Laura Clawson of Daily Kos reports on what the banks are now saying. I’m amused by the dryness of their comments:

“Closing tax loopholes, as Warren proposes, would ‘likely limit the size’ of the private equity industry,”

“Banning fracking would be ‘broadly negative’ for energy companies.”

Households affected by the plan to tax wealth over $50 million “would likely need to fund it by reducing their assets.”

Clawson concludes:
The private equity industry that’s drained so many companies of cash and forced them into bankruptcy limited in size? Energy companies having to pivot to clean energy or lose out? People with hundreds of millions of dollars forced to choose between a second yacht and a fifth mansion? The horror! The horror!

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