Saturday, March 21, 2020

He can fix a crisis that baffles the experts

This post will be a short one because I don’t want to spend my whole evening writing about the same thing I’ve written about for the last ten days.

Harjinder Singh Kukreja tweeted a video of the correct way to wash hands. To demonstrate someone put on white plastic gloves and used a bit of ink to act as the soap. The washing isn’t complete until the gloves are completely black. Along the way the hands point out the various areas people tend to miss. I think I’ve been doing it right all this time.

Let’s see… I can refer to the nasty guy and you know who I mean. The same way with the vice nasty guy and Moscow Mitch. I need one more. Perhaps Jared Kushner should be the nasty prince.

Laura Clawson of Daily Kos says the nasty prince bills himself as a problem-solver who can fix any crises that is baffled the experts. Just see how well he handled the new Mid East Peace Plan! Another crisis is here so he’s back at work. Faced with the coronavirus the nasty prince has set up his own task force – separate from the nasty guy’s official task force. What could go wrong?

* People are now getting emails from two groups. Which to believe?

* Every time the nasty prince has helped the nasty guy during this virus crisis he has made things worse. There was the Oval Office address in which the nasty guy said all the wrong things, sending the stock markets into free-fall. The nasty prince helped write that speech.

* The nasty prince is talking to corporations, spouting lines like this:
In America, some of our best resources are in our private sector. The federal government is not designed to solve all our problems; a lot of the muscle is in the private sector and there’s also a lot of smart people.
To which Clawson responds:
Um, fighting pandemics is in fact exactly one of the things the Centers for Disease Control was designed to do. Certainly more so than CVS. As for a lot of the muscle being in the private sector vs. the government, perhaps that has something to do with Donald Trump weakening pandemic response over the past three years.
Meaning, he’s trying to corporatize the pandemic as another profit center. And doesn’t understand that getting people healthy and keeping them that way does not align with the profit motive.

I’m open to suggestions for a name to bestow on Attorney General William Barr. He’s the head of the Department of Justice and that is supposed to protect the little guy from the big guy. But it has been twisted to that he lives to protect one big guy from all the little guys. Barr has filed proposals to grant the nasty guy special powers during the crisis, such as eliminate habeas corpus (which is about unjust detention), extend statue of limitations, and let judges pause trials. And since judges are slowing down trials because of the virus a person could be arrested and not brought before a judge until the emergency is over. Yes, this is an authoritarian move. Yes, this is terrifying. Can the Dem House protect us?

I’m done for today. Other news will have to wait.

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