Monday, March 30, 2020

Trust those who are being hysterical

I read the transcript for the Gaslit Nation episode from March 25, titled The United States of Enron. Hosts are Sarah Kendzior and Andrea Chalupa

Kendzior lives in St. Louis. The state isn’t testing much, though media says there are 200 cases. Doctors don’t believe that number. But it allows the GOP state government to say this isn’t bad, the problem is on the coasts. But everyone will be devastated by this.

Kendzior notes that billionaires, such as Michael Bloomberg, are not helping much.

Chalupa said:
Well, one thing that Sarah and I learned from Russia and Trump is that trust those who are being hysterical, as long as they are experts, as long as they have that credibility, if they are being hysterical, listen to them, listen to them.

Because Sarah and I studied authoritarian states, crime and aggression for many years. The writing was very clearly on the wall for us in 2016. We were hysterical, rightfully hysterical, and they tried to punish us for warning everybody. And then we were proven right. Unfortunately, it was far too late by then. So Sarah and I have been watching the situation unfold and listening to those who are hysterical and they're the ones who have been proven correct.

This episode from last week was back when the nasty guy said we needed to open up for the economy (even if millions die). Kendzior said the message was “They are willing to kill you because of the economy.” And behind that: “They are willing to kill you.” She reviews statements by the nasty guy and Steve Bannon saying they want to destroy the current system.

This health crisis is a continuation of the political crisis that emerged in the GOP back in the Reagan days.

Remedy: Ban the nasty guy’s Twitter account. He’s pushing poisons. Don’t show his press conferences live. They have no value. If something major happens, record it, edit it, play it later. Don’t do this and you are an accomplice to murder.

Chalupa asks, “Why are white men in America following politicians who pass policies that are literally killing them?” See the book *Dying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment is Killing America’s Heartland* by Jonathan Metzll. The GOP is a death cult with willing follower and those of us fighting their brutality are collateral damage.

Gov. Cuomo complained of price gouging. Attorney General William Barr says they’re fighting price gouging – which means they aren’t. Making money off this disease means it is blood money. That’s similar to the Enron energy fiasco back in the early 2000. Enron bought electricity from California, created an energy crisis, and sold the energy back at inflated prices. See the documentary, *Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room*. A clip from the movie is compared to audio of Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick who suggested old people should die for the Dow.

Kendzior noted there was very little accountability in Congress – see the impeachment trial – and there is even less now. Which means the nasty guy’s criminality will run full force. And the virus gives AG Barr cover for his plans to go full fascist – see his plans for holding people without offering a reason.

Kendzior said:
But now citizens have been put in just an impossible position because there is a genuine plague, there is a genuine public health threat. And can we go out and protest draconian measures? No, we'll get infected. Can we participate in society as a collective in person? No, we'll get infected. Do we need to obey the laws and maintain some sort of trust in local authority? Yes, unfortunately we do. And that does not come easy to Americans. It sure as hell doesn't come easy to me.

Chalupa said Evil is inherently stupid. For example, look at Putin. He’s bleeding Russia dry. There’s a massive brain drain. “Putin is going to be king of a pile of bones.”

Want to save lives? Stay home and watch Netflix.

In other news…

In other people this would be an amazing amount of chutzpah. From the nasty guy it’s just another day in front of the cameras. Laura Clawson of Kos reminds us that the nasty guy has been saying for the last month the number of coronavirus cases would soon be close to zero, that “We pretty much shut it down,” that the numbers are going to get better, that it will all go away. He’s been saying this while doing all he can to make the numbers go up.

Now he’s saying the number of deaths probably won’t be 2.2 million as some have been predicting. In Sunday’s press conference he said that number a lot. But that’s if he did nothing to slow the spread of the virus. He’s now predicting there will be only 100,000 deaths. And for that he’ll claim credit. Wrote Clawson:
Credit. For “only” 100,000 or so deaths.

That’s nearly twice as many Americans who died in the Vietnam war. Well over 10 times as many compared to those that died in Iraq and Afghanistan. And it’s Trump’s current benchmark for success.

Some Republican leaders at the state and local level are beginning to realize the nasty guy’s daily press conferences are lies. And some are beginning to listen instead to the CDC and other health officials.

And, alas, some aren’t. Sean Soendker Nicholson quoted a Kansas City news source:
The decision to pass up billions in federal aid since 2014 will make coping with the novel coronavirus even more costly than anticipated.
And Jess Piper responded:
I want every Missourian to see this. This is your Republican supermajority at work. They refused money to spite Obamacare. 14 Hospitals closed in Missouri as a result. Missourians have suffered for years and now it will become unbearable.

Ricardo GutiƩrrez tweeted a succinct way of saying it:
Healthcare for profit is murder.

In another post by Laura Clawson she documented several GOP critters who object to fair voting. For example, Rep. Thomas Massie objected to universal vote by mail by saying, “Universal vote by mail would be the end of our republic as we know it.” That would, um, be a “republic” ruled by white male oligarchs and authoritarians?

At the end of Clawson’s list is the nasty guy saying:
The things they had in there were crazy. They had levels of voting, that if you ever agreed to it you'd never have a Republican elected in this country again.
So … the nasty guy admitted the GOP can’t win without cheating. Never again have a Republican elected? One can dream.

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