Thursday, November 5, 2020

A historic standard for voter contempt

I went to another rally today. This one was in my own city, a lot closer than yesterday’s rally. I only took one picture because the crowd was so small – less than 25. The little guy in this picture was introduced as Edward IV by his father, Edward III.
Our site was along a busy street (though not like Woodward in Ferndale) in front of City Hall. One of the organizers was, Tasha, a woman on the city council. Someone had brought a sound system to play music when people weren’t speaking. A couple of the speakers were area pastors, another was a member of the city council in a neighboring suburb. Before the speakers got started Tasha introduced herself to me and asked if I was a resident. I said I was and we talked for a bit. After a few speakers she came back to me and asked if I would speak, to get a resident’s perspective. I agreed. So I was the last speaker. I spoke about the pervasive attitude of people claiming to be better than those around them and how deadly the consequences of that attitude can be. I also said that Jesus worked against that attitude, welcoming those that society said were at the bottom. That’s just a snippet of my understanding of supremacy. Not bad for speaking for two minutes without any preparation. Much later I spoke to Tasha again. I asked her if our city could pass an ordinance banning LGBTQ discrimination. The GOP controlled Michigan legislature certainly won’t do that. Many other cities around the state have and it is time for us as well. She said the mayor is forming a commission about the issue. She took my name and number so that we could talk further. She has not said anything about recruiting me to serve on the commission. Yeah, we sit and wait. Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania are all still counting. Mark Sumner of Daily Kos has the status of that counting – as of 8:49 this morning. I haven’t heard anything substantial since. At the start of weekday afternoons I listen to Tom Allen on CBC (Canadian) Radio because of his interesting introductions to the music he plays (well worth switching from the Detroit classical music station). Since so much of what happens in Canada depends on what happens in America our election is very much on their minds. So Allen did a show on uncertainty and ambiguity, such as music that doesn’t have a conclusive end. As of 1:21 this afternoon Walter Einenkel of Kos reported Joe Biden has 72,415,439 votes or 50.5% and the nasty guy has 68,622,787 votes or 47.8%. The difference is 3,796,982 votes, which is larger than the population of 22 states. Laura Clawson of Kos reported that there are several GOP leaders who are repeating the nasty guy’s lies about the state of counting and which states he has won. Clawson also reported the reactions to all this in foreign newspapers. An example:
Germany’s Der Spiegel wrote that Trump was like a “late Roman emperor” who has “set a historic standard for voter contempt.”
The nasty guy has been filing lawsuits in as many states as he can, some to stop counting while he’s ahead (Pennsylvania), some to keep counting until he’s ahead (Arizona). Of those that have ruled so far the number in his favor are zero. Joan McCarter of Kos says no matter what is being claimed the case comes down to the judge saying where’s your proof? I’ve been hearing a few stories of counter intimidation (or at least attempts at it). Sumner reported that William Barr of the Department of No Justice sent a letter to US attorneys across the country encouraging the use of “armed federal officers” at counting centers to “investigate fraud.” Sumner concluded:
When someone asks why the process is going so slowly, the answer might be that it’s difficult to work when you’re genuinely “under the gun.”
Jen Hayden of Kos reported on “mobs” that showed up at counting centers in Arizona. Some of them were armed. Hayden listed several GOP leaders, including at least one member of Congress, who have been encouraging the mob. David Neiwert of Kos has a rundown of protests in states where counting is still going on. The protesters haven’t succeeded in stopping any counting but they are sowing confusion that other far right groups are welcoming.

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