Monday, November 2, 2020

They think in terms of dominance

Kos of Daily Kos reported what senior nasty guy campaign advisor Jason Miller had to say about what’s going to happen tomorrow. He seemed mighty confident of a win. So Kos went exploring the assumptions behind that declaration. Kos noted the states Miller assumes the nasty guy would win even though the polls say otherwise. And he found a common thread. All of then are states that can’t process early voting by the end of November 3 and in-person voting is expected to favor Republicans. Translation: They’re telling us their plan. They intend to try halting vote counting before voting staff can count all those early voting ballots, the ones likely favoring Biden. Yesterday I mentioned the convoy that surrounded a Biden bus, hurled insults, and forced it to slow down. Leah McElrath tweeted an explanation:
The Trump convoy created traffic jams are not meant to win your vote. They’re meant to make you feel fearful and to make Trump’s supporters appear more numerous and more powerful than they are. They are also a threat. You might imagine Trump supporters want to “win over” others because that’s how *we* think. That’s not how they think. They think in terms of dominance. They are bullies, at a minimum. These convoys are threat displays. Many have pointed to similarities of these threatening convoys to ISIS convoys with their flags, trucks, and guns. More apt comparisons are the convoys of the Taliban in Afghanistan and those of the KKK here. Both were/are theocratic nationalist movements. But you get the idea.
I saw the convoy described as “Y’all Qaeda.” As for tomorrow … hold on to your seats and buckle up. Raven Mae tweeted:
I'm already seeing videos of violence claiming to be from tonight but are actually from months ago. I expect way more of that tomorrow.
Dianna Anderson replied:
This is what I'm expecting, too. VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY. People will try to pass off s*** that's not even from the US tomorrow, trust me.
CBC Podcasts (that’s Canadian Broadcast Corporation, something we in Detroit can enjoy easily) tweeted a quote from American Sarah Kendzior:
Many countries are politically polarized, but @sarahkendzior stresses that few are so heavily-armed. "America is full of guns and people are willing and ready to use them. And that makes the situation distinct and more dangerous."
And Kendzior warns:
He deems an election legitimate if he wins and rigged if he loses. It is that simple. Logic, evidence, protocol and shame have no relevance here. It's about raw power, and defenders of democracy should prepare accordingly -- and never give in to his fabricated reality.
Describing how to not give in to that fabricated reality … Reporter Jonathan Swan tweeted:
President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments.
Matt Negrin, host of Hardball in MSNBC added:
If you work in journalism, please please please god when he makes this lie, the biggest lie of his presidency, *do not repeat it* and PLEASE if you absolutely have to, say Trump Falsely Claims Victory.
Elizabeth de la Varga, a federal prosecutor agrees:
Right. Also don't say, Trump "prematurely" claims victory, because that implies he will be victorious later. "Trump FALSELY Claims Victory" is perfect. Then you can explain this is one of the many ways he has devised to undermine our free and fair election.

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