Monday, September 15, 2008

Bush reincarnated (ugh!)

Gary Kamiya of Salon sees Palin as a reincarnation of Bush -- especially Bush's ability to play the culture wars to get what he wants (about the only thing he was good at). Along the way he wonders what we look for in a president. That choice seems to be driven by resentment -- my world is changing and I don't have a say in how -- which is the source of the elitist charge. It is also driven by identification of candidates "just like me" though it is only in politics we want someone like ourselves. How narcissistic is that (and how elitist of me to say so)? In other areas we want someone with competence. One idea not mentioned that I've heard recently (alas, I don't remember where) is that the more government is in the business of helping people the more the voter wants someone like themselves to make sure policy treats them properly. The way out of this mess? Don't fight the culture war. Remind voters of the issues.

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