Tuesday, November 18, 2008

DL at 6 weeks

The bike accident was 6 weeks ago. I'm well on the way to recovery, though not at 100% yet. There is still an arc of bruise around my left knee. It is fading but for a while it and a second arc made my knee look like a bulls-eye. There is also a fading bruise on the back of my calf and a bit of swelling around a healed wound on the shin. The leg still hurts when I brush the skin, like when I'm applying cream to skin that is a bit dry. I've done a bit of walking in the mall, though it was 15 minutes instead of 45 and I stood through most of Sunday's bell concert. Even so, my leg feels tired a lot sooner than it did before.

More than a year ago I began to feel an ache in the left hip. The pain was along the upper edge, not at the leg joint (so a joint replacement won't help). The doctor suspects arthritis and prescribed pain medication, though eventually suggested Advil, both of which work pretty well. The pain med was the same that was prescribed after the accident, the one I stopped taking when the doctor thought it might be contributing to the bruising. Alas, it was that pain that flared up on Sunday morning. I've resumed the Advil and things are much better.

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