Monday, November 3, 2008

God ordained trickle up economics

Where do they come up with such nonsense? I thought the Prosperity Gospel was unsupported by the Bible, but that's rather tame. I've also been reading that while Trickle Down Economics has been shown to be a hoax, Trickle Up Economics is doing quite well, thank you, and lives on in the government bailout (where rich people are scrambling to get their slice while Bush is still in office. But now we see some religious justification for it. C. Peter Wagner declared, "God has declared through His prophets that the wealth of the wicked will be released to the Kingdom of God," and, "the enemies' camp will be plundered." Bishop Thomas Murthee, a Wagner colleague, adds, "The Bible says the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous." He said this just before anointing Saran Palin for governor.

Now I went looking into a searchable online Bible database ( and went looking just for "wealth" and "wicked." There was no match in the King James Version and in newer translations the only passage that came close was Job 27, where the wicked are described with, "They go to bed wealthy and wake up poor."

Wagner is calling on God's Kingdom to infiltrate "Seven Mountains" of society: business, education, media, and government being four of them. The takeover of business includes permission to plunder the wealth of the wicked so that it can be used to implement a theocracy and wield spiritual warfare. No wonder McCain decries Obama's tax plans as "socialism." This spiritual warfare is supposedly done by:

…mapping strongholds of demons, witches and "spirits of witchcraft", and through driving those out through "spiritual warfare". The result will be the almost complete cessation of crime and addiction, almost 100% Christian church membership, the growth of farm vegetables to enormous size, and a miraculous reversal of environmental degradation.

It is amazing how easily and how completely the Bible can be twisted from its original message of love, grace, and forgiveness. Sheesh.

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