Monday, December 15, 2008

Making a case for rights

A couple days ago I wrote about one comment from John Stewart's interview of Mike Huckabee. Terrence Heath (fellow blogger) caught Stewart's closing:

"I think it’s that it’s a travesty that people have forced someone who is gay to have to make their case that they deserve the same basic rights as someone else."

He elaborates that being required to do so is an indignity. The other person is saying: Convince us that you are as human as we are.

And while I gave the Huckster a pass for his comment, "Just because I want to preserve the sanctity of marriage doesn't make me a bigot." Terrence isn't so generous.

”From a religious perspective, is it really possible to love someone that you don’t see as an equal? Is it possible to see someone as less than equal without hatred, or without at least contempt? If so, how?

"From my perspective, either you see me as equal or you don’t. If you don’t, as far as I’m concerned it amounts to hate - and the actions taken to maintain inequality stem from hatred. I don’t care if it’s for religious reasons. If you can’t see me as equal - and treat me as equal - then you have to see me as (even slightly) less than human. You can’t really see me as equal and still deny me equal treatment."

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