Thursday, January 8, 2009

Don't ask for swift repeal

Public support to eliminate Don't Ask, Don't Tell and allow gays to serve openly in the military is at 75%. However, support within the military, a much more conservative culture is only at 42% and close to a quarter of the troops won't re-enlist if the law is overturned. Obama's chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will be Admiral Mike Mullen. He is the guy caught between those numbers. Obama will ask him how much gay openness the military will tolerate and still be able to fight two wars (determining that will take time). And then it will be up to Mullen to implement the new law. Those for the repeal are aware that Clinton tried to impose gay soldiers on the military and the Joint Chiefs rebelled. The rebellion may not happen this time but the soldiers need time to adjust. This makes me think of when the military was commanded to integrate blacks into regular ranks rather than having separate groups. How many soldiers threatened to leave then?

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