Thursday, July 16, 2009

Use sunscreen anyway

I post this article because my mother has had to deal with skin cancer (that was 20-30 years ago and she's still alive). Because of her experience I am much more likely to use sunscreen. In an article in the Nature Genetics journal says that sunshine does not contribute to the deadliest form of skin cancer, known as melanoma, unless a person also has a large number of moles. With these people it is possible for the moles to become cancerous. But other people don't have such risk.

However, that does not mean one should stop using sunscreen, because the sun can cause several other problems, including sunburn, other kinds of skin cancers (which aren't as deadly), and wrinkles. Sunlight is bad, it just isn't likely to kill you. Balance that with a person's need for vitamin D, which a body makes from sunshine. Just keep in mind that one doesn't need a whole lot of sun to get enough vitamin D (which also comes in tablet form).

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