Thursday, July 29, 2010

I finally have proof of intimidation

The National Organization for Marriage bus tour is continuing. Some have noticed that NOM has advertised its rallies for several months and is getting low turnout while equality supporters only need to put a notice on Facebook a few days ahead of time to get a crowd many times larger.

That has gotten Fred Sainz of the Human Rights Campaign thinking. Perhaps this highly lopsided turnout is intentional on NOM's part. NOM is still battling lawsuits in both Washington state and Maine trying to get them to reveal their donors and petition signers. Videos of angry gays vastly outnumbering those poor old ladies who only want to protect the tradition of marriage might be just the thing to show to a judge that gays really are intimidating and really will do nasty things once the names of NOM's supporters are revealed. Assaulting a few lesbians (off screen) to get a hostile response could only add to the drama of the video.

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