Monday, June 20, 2011

Honorary Second Class Citizenship

Writer and artist Charles Alexander writes the Parting Glances column for Between the Lines. He is old enough (75?) that he can provide some historical perspective to our cause, though he is just as likely to offer his take on a recent situation. Most of his columns are quite humorous, as is the most recent.

Alexander found a petition at Motor City Pride and shares it with us. Since the source is uncredited it is possible that Alexander created it himself -- it reads like something he would write. The whole thing is a riff on the feeling of many gays that we're being treated like second class citizens. It is time to reverse the situation. I'll share the first paragraph with you and let you read the rest for yourself.

We, the undersigned, do hereby petition the Michigan House of Representatives and Senate to confer Honorary Second Class Citizenship on [insert name], who tirelessly works to deny civil rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgendered persons, regardless of LGBT nationality, race, age, education, Bridge, golf, block club, softball, or bowling league affiliation.

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