Thursday, March 22, 2012

Who truly cares about democracy

I recently wrote about the book United Methodism @ Risk and the various conservative organizations working to neuter the denomination (and others) so they won't speak out against the 1%. I've now finished the book. There is one more insight to add. Some funding for these conservative religious groups comes from corporations. That implies (1) these organizations are not in it for the correctness of the theology and (2) my earlier insight is correct.

I also recently wrote about the 100th birthday of Bayard Rustin. In another birthday tribute Jim Burroway pulls out a Rustin quote. A lot of people debate whether gays are the new blacks. Some see the similarities in the struggles. Others are offended by the comparison. Rustin makes the equivalence.

Rustin said, back in 1986, "The new niggers are gays." (Those are his words.) By 1986 blacks had laws to protect them and no one would dare publicly claim that blacks were not allowed public accommodation. But they are fine about saying that about gays. Want to know if a person truly cares about democracy? Ask, "What about gay people?"

Want to know what the GOP stands for? This list summarizes it quite nicely.

Here's an important result from the recent Puerto Rico GOP primary: Gay candidate Fred Karger got more votes than Ron Paul. Alas, we are talking about 1.5% of the vote for Karger and 1% for Paul. And Gingrich, Santorum, and Romney were way ahead of both of them.

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