Saturday, October 27, 2012

Conflict of interest

My post yesterday about being fed up with election coverage actually prompted a comment! I get so few of those (other than from my friend and debate partner). Since many of you read my posts through email and don't visit the site, I am including a bit of the comment in a post to make sure you see it. This is from a friend-of-a-friend who I think is a regular reader. He goes by the moniker B.D. In response to my annoyance of voting machines (with problems of tampering) he wrote:
The electronic voting is even more troubling considering that the Romney family is heavily invested in machines that are being operated in Colorado and Ohio.
I'm sure the GOP has been considering lots of ways to steal the election.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I am a regular reader. I do most of my reading via RSS feeds. Here's a link to the Nation article on the Romney investment (which they, of course, deny):
