Thursday, October 18, 2012

Well prepared to exercise democracy

My friend and debate partner, because of his age, doesn't need to give a reason to get an absentee ballot in Michigan. I'm not there yet, so will go to my local polling place. My friend now has his ballot and was a bit surprised at the length. Both he and I knew about the state proposals (there are six this year), but didn't know about the five Wayne County proposals. He is glad he has time to research them (and send me what he found).

That reminds me I should mention the site Publius. Give it your name and city and it searches the voting rolls so that it can show you a sample ballot. In each race it also shows a link to the candidate's website and party site, and (at least in Michigan) a link to the Secretary of State record of the candidate's campaign committee.

On my sample ballot: President, US Senator, US Rep, state Rep, state Board of Ed. and several university trustees, various county officials, judges for state Supreme Court, Circuit Court, Court of Appeals (who are these people?), and Probate Court, state proposals, and county proposals. I suspect it isn't complete because I see signs for school board elections and those candidates aren't listed.

Advice from my friend: when going to the polling place, take lunch.

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