Monday, May 26, 2014

Poverty of values

I wrote yesterday about how the rich attribute poverty to bad morals, yet the poor are more ethical than the rich. Charles Blow, in an opinion piece for The New York Times expands on the idea.

It seems the latest idea trumpeted by the GOP is that all one needs to do to get out of poverty is embrace "the attributes of friendship, accountability and love," as Paul Ryan put it last week. And where does one find friendship, accountability and love? Why, in marriage, of course -- and it had better be the traditional male-female variety. Jeb Bush said something similar.

Yo, dudes, a lot of traditionally married loving couples accountable to each other are still stuck in poverty. So simply saying get married to get out of poverty is condescending. And stupid. Besides, as Blow puts it, "you can't simply hug the cashier and walk away with groceries."

From a USA Today poll that Blow included:

Which means the rich are blind to their advantages. I've heard it described this way: They're born on third base and can't figure out why so few people are able to hit a home run. To justify their wealth they equate it to morality. Yes, let's discuss poverty, but a poverty of resources is not the same as a poverty of values.

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