Saturday, June 13, 2015

Above the law

Many of the top leaders of the anti-gay organizations took out a full-page ad in the Washington Post pleading with the Supremes not to legalize same-sex marriage. Though if the Supremes don't take their advice this group vows to not honor the decision and will refuse to honor the validity of same-sex marriages.

Timothy Kincaid of Box Turtle Bulletin asks, which means what? Not recognize my marriage? Fine with me. Refuse to officiate at my wedding? Already granted under the First Amendment. Refuse to bake my cake? I wouldn't want your anger-filled cake. So how would your empty words affect me?

That prompted a lively response in the comments. Some of the points they make:

* Those that signed the *Post* ad are protected from their defiance. But their words will inspire bakers and maybe even county clerks. Those are the ones that will suffer in court challenges.

* The religious-based defiance appears to be against the Bible. From Romans 13:1 – "All of you must obey the government rulers. Everyone who rules was given the power to rule by God."

* Not much concern of a baker refuses to bake the cake. A great deal of concern if hospital staff refuses access by a same-sex spouse.

* The big concern is the way some Christians are working to place themselves above the law. Though it will take time, this will backfire.

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