Saturday, December 19, 2015

You are fine

The ex-gay organization JONAH (Jews offering New Alternatives to Healing) was sued in 2013 by former clients claiming fraud. JONAH offered services and made promises (make a patient straight) they could not fulfill. In June of this year a jury determined that fraud had indeed been committed. The judge has now entered his order. JONAH shall cease operations in thirty days, dissolve as a corporate entity, never practice counseling for sexual orientation, and pay plaintiff's attorney's fees of $3.5 million. One more ex-gay group is gone.

Matt Barrett accepted a job as a manager in the food services of Fontbonne Academy, a Catholic girl's high school in Massachusetts. He filled out the emergency contact form and under relationship he put "husband." The job offer was withdrawn. Gay & Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD) sued the school. And won. The court ruled the school was not exempt from the state's non-discrimination laws when the job has nothing to do with religion. A sweet legal precedent.

Ragen Chastain of Dances with Fat is well aware that fat people are constantly bombarded with messages that they are supposed to be thin. It can be a struggle to not succumb to the barrage from the Diet and Beauty Industries. She starts with a motto: "The World Is Messed Up. You Are Fine." She also suggests mantras, such as "These are not the body image messages you are looking for." Though for a delightful image of a busy cat you'll have to follow the link.

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