Sunday, March 10, 2019

Bulldoze competition

Elizabeth Warren made a big splash with her proposal to split up tech giants Amazon, Google, and Facebook. Some of her points:

* Monopolies in general stifle innovation. An antitrust case against Microsoft allowed Google and Facebook to emerge.

* These big companies have too much power over out economy, society, and democracy. They bulldoze competition.

* They use mergers to limit competition. Warren would appoint regulators to undo some of the latest mergers, such as Amazon and Whole Foods.

* They create proprietary marketplaces and use those to limit competition. If a company is a marketplace platform it should not also do business on that platform. When it does business on the platform there is incentive to skew the platform to favor its business.

* Monopolies don’t compete. One area where they don’t compete is in protecting privacy.

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