Sunday, March 10, 2019

Slavery reparations

Reparations to descendants of slaves has come up again. I think I’ve heard people are annoyed at Bernie Sanders because he keeps adding, “Don’t forget the poor white people.” Pushback from other people prompted Ida Bae Wells to write a Twitter thread to counter some of the ideas tossed about, such as “all slaves are dead.”

* Jim Crow laws, the successor to slavery were legal until 1968. Racial discrimination, though supposedly illegal, still exists. That is a significant cost to people who are still alive.

* A lot of the New Deal programs were not available to black people.

* If a loved one died because of medical malpractice, should the family be denied compensation because the actual victim is dead?

But, as always in this country, start talking about treating black people fairly and everyone loses their minds.

Commenter Champignon Papi adds that since descendants of slave owners profit from intergenerational wealth, some of that should go to slave descendants.

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