Thursday, June 6, 2019

I want to see him in prison

More Democratic House members are calling for impeachment of the nasty guy. Speaker Nancy Pelosi isn’t budging. But this time her answer doesn’t make much sense. She said:
I don't want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison.
Which prompted Melissa McEwan of Shakesville to write:
What in blazes is she even talking about?! There is a diminishing likelihood that Donald Trump will ever face consequences for *anything*, no less end up *incarcerated*, so long as Democrats refuse to use every tool in the box to try to hold him accountable.

Her position is indefensible. Her justifications are unconvincing. Her alternate vision is comprehensively unreasonable.

This is unfathomable.

If she cannot be convinced, she must be removed.
The comments to McEwan’s post got into a discussion of whether Pelosi is compromised. McEwan commented she clearly is.
It's *extremely* troubling that Pelosi doesn't have a single cohesive, legitimate argument for opposing impeachment, considering that we deserve a serious explanation for her decision to be derelict in her duties as Speaker.
The discussion went into whether it would help for us to suggest to our representatives that they confront Pelosi on being compromised. But that might not work because many House members may not want to consider the idea.

Commenter Widminter says it would help if Democrats, when talking about impeachment, to repeatedly say what crimes the nasty guy has committed, which are in urgent need of investigation, whether those crimes are still being committed, and what the Speaker is doing to protect the victims (which might be all taxpayers).

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