Monday, June 3, 2019

Prosecuted for saving a life

There are laws against human smuggling, which make sense. Many smugglers transport people for the purpose of enslaving them. But what about…

Scott Warren is a part of the group No More Deaths that leave food and water for refugees traversing the Arizona desert. He faces felony charges of transporting and harboring migrants. If convicted he could face 20 years in prison.

Theresa Todd was driving and flagged down by a man on the side of the road. She stopped and he pleaded for assistance for his sister. The migrants sat in her car as she texted a friend who is a legal counsel for the Border Patrol. Before the friend replied a sheriff’s deputy showed up, who called a Border Patrol agent. That agent was soon reading Todd her rights. And confiscating her phone.

It seems the nasty guy administration is telling us we’re not allowed to be compassionate.

That prompted Sen. Jeff Merkley of Oregon to tweet:
If I were faced with allowing a man, woman, or child to die of thirst in my backyard, or being prosecuted for saving the life of a fellow human being with a glass of water, I would give that glass of water every single time.

One of the replies to Merkley is from Stephen Jacobs, Buchenwald survivor. He notes America today feels like 1929 Berlin. “Things that couldn’t be said five years ago in public are normal discourse. That’s totally unacceptable.”

Another reply:
People who helped Jews only by giving them food were treated as criminals. This was how it began - you all know, how it ended.

Yet another shows Jesus in the story of feeding the 5000 with just a couple fish and loaves of bread. In this version one of the disciples says, “We can’t feed all these people. That would create dependency.”

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