Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Nothing about keeping workers safe

For a while this afternoon I wondered is today Tuesday or Wednesday? Do I set the trash out tonight or tomorrow night? I checked the date on my computer – the 29th – and checked the calendar. Yup, Wednesday. I set the trash bin near the street. It will be emptied about 7:45 tomorrow morning.

I worked in my garage much of the day. Quite a bit of rain so there was little incentive to go anywhere. I did a lot of sanding. Then I cut pieces of drywall to fit into some of the holes. Then applied mud to hold those pieces in place. Then more general mudding and sanding. The forecast for tomorrow is more rain. So, for me, more playing in the mud.

This morning’s news talked about the nasty guy finally using the Defense Production Act, the law that allows the federal government take control of the production of certain products. We’ve been waiting a month for him to use that power to secure enough medical masks and ventilators.

But that’s not what he used it for. He used it to reopen meat processing plants.

There has also been a lot of news about some big meat processing plants being shut down because the virus had infected a large number of the workers. Mark Sumner of Daily Kos reports the nasty guy now requires them to reopen. And that requires workers to return. But his order says nothing about keeping the workers safe. And those safety regulations have become suggestions. And we know what corporations who want to suck up every penny do with suggestions.

Tom Philpott of Mother Jones adds a bit more. One plant workers has filed suit claiming management didn’t protect workers from the virus and demanded that the workplace be made safe. By issuing the executive order to reopen meat plants the nasty guy is essentially shielding meatpackers from lawsuits.

Hunter of Kos says the nasty guy and the GOP are thinking about spreading that liability shield more generally. One little problem: That would transfer the liability to the government.

It would also cause a huge increase in the number of sick and dead, but we know the nasty guy thinks that’s a feature, not a flaw.

Given immunity from liability how many of those safety measures and enhanced cleanings will be quickly dropped? And once they’re gone Sumner says workers have a dilemma – keep showing up for work knowing they’ll likely get the virus and possibly die or cause the death of grandma living with them or not show up. If they don’t show up the company can declare they’ve voluntarily quit. And that would mean they don’t qualify for unemployment benefits. From the GOP perspective, what’s not to love?

Sumner wrote that in a post commenting on the protesters demanding the stay at home orders be ended.
Republicans have demonstrated, again, just how easily they can convince a handful of low-wage workers to become the face of their own destruction. And how easily they can get the media to report tiny groups as though there is a huge “movement” eager to do corporate bidding. In the process, everyone will ignore polls showing overwhelming opposition to reopening too soon and never mention just how puny these protests really are.

Joan McCarter of Kos adds the Moscow Mitch has declared a general liability shield a “red line” – he requires it to be in any new rescue law to pass the Senate. Democrats dismissed it.

McCarter wrote another post about all the ways the nasty guy and his minions have botched the various provisions in the various financial rescue laws. From his point of view it was all intentional.

Both rollouts of the Paycheck Protection Program started with system crashes, though big business leader could call his buddy at the big bank and get right in. The $1200 stimulus checks aren’t getting to those who need it most and to try they have to jump through ridiculous hoops. Hospitals are to receive money, but it isn’t showing up at the hospitals that need it most. Too many people were simply left out. And this article doesn’t go into how racist the process has been (which I’ve mentioned before).

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