Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Attack and demean love

The Calif. Supremes will hear oral arguments in the case to overturn the marriage ban on March 5. They must issue their ruling within 90 days. As part of the hearings those in favor of the ban want the Supremes to rule to invalidate the existing 18,000 same-sex marriages. There is now a video urging the Supremes (actually targeting the citizens of Calif.) not to "divorce" gay couples. Andrew Sullivan says it well (and has the video):

In the end, the marriage debate is about whether it is in the interest of society as a whole to attack and demean couples who are constructing loving, committed strong relationships, with the help of their friends, families and government. Whatever else it is, the attempt to break up these relationships, to deny and invalidate the hopes and dreams they aspire to, is both cruel and deeply hostile to any conservatism that seeks to bring people together around the shared values of family, fidelity and responsibility.

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