Sunday, June 14, 2009

The leading edge of the storm

Six weeks ago I wrote about a gathering storm from the militant right. That storm seems to have arrived.

The shooting at the Holocaust Museum brings the total shootings since Obama's inauguration to 8. It had been once a month, now down to about once every two weeks. This is how domestic terrorism begins. It is likely to increase. Some indications of that likelihood:
* The rate of incidence is dropping.
* They may be lone wolves now, but wolves join packs.
* Law enforcement researchers see an expansion of training operations.
* Separate extremist organizations are reaching out to each other.
* Bush dropped enlistment requirements, accepting any warm body (except gays). Militia types signed up for training on Uncle Sam's dime. Many are returning home now.

This will end one of two ways:

* An act of terrorism that is too gruesome for the more rational members of the militias and most lay down their arms. This is what happened after the Oklahoma City bombing.

* Much less likely, the general populace sees the government is too corrupt to protect them and a civil war ignites.

The people who wrote that above assessment have a question for the militia movement: Are you intentionally trying to start a civil war?

Yeah, you claim these lone wolves are not your responsibility, but forgive us for not believing you for a few reasons.

* The lone wolves themselves claim the right-wing extremist organizations, or just right-wing loud voices, are their inspiration.

* When the Department of Homeland Security said they were worried about domestic violence, practically every extremist organization trumpeted about how they were being slandered. Except the DHS report did not name names.

* By trying to gain political power through hate and fear these groups attract the crazies. They even train and arm them.

* The political discourse is being polluted and trust destroyed -- and people killed -- apparently only for political gain or profit.

So, is it civil war you want?

If yes, then have enough warrior honor to say so. Stop hiding behind the crazies.

If no, stop feeding the crazies, grow up, and join the civilized public discourse. You can't assassinate your way to power.

But you have to answer now before a catastrophe happens.

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