Sunday, June 21, 2009

We're not going to let a pesky amendment stop us

Even though Wisconsin passed a marriage protection amendment in 2006 that also banned civil unions, the legislature has passed a domestic partnership registry. They feel they can get away with it because, unlike marriage, a DP registration doesn't require a license nor a ceremony. The law provides for inheritance rights, employment and wrongful death benefits, and rights of joint property. The bill isn't on the governor's desk yet because the DP provisions are part of a budget bill and that needs to go through a reconciling process first.

The DC City Council has approved recognition of same-sex marriages performed elsewhere. As expected, opponents sought to hold a referendum to overturn it. The DC Board of Elections refused to allow the referendum because if it passed it would authorize discrimination. The BoE said holding the vote would violate their Human Rights Act.

Naturally, a suit against the ruling was filed immediately.

Expect allowing gays to marry in DC by the end of the year.

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