Saturday, August 8, 2009

Only a one night stand?

Dan Savage looked at Obama's campaign promises to gays compared to actual actions. He thinks the prez. has been a one night stand (commenters aren't so charitable saying we didn't even get a lap-dance or a kiss -- um, yeah, Savage's comparisons are rather purple).

Along the way Savage takes on two types of people who object to his failing grade for the president. One group says the poor guy already has a lot on his plate. Why waste time on our trivial matters? If it's trivial, then the prez. is wasting more time refusing to act than the action itself would take. And if there is no action now, when? 2010 is a congressional election year and 2011-2012 is another presidential campaign season. In the meantime all those anti-gay policies have real effects now.

Another group suggests we do it ourselves. How? Repealing laws requires action by president and congress or Supreme Court. Are they suggesting a coup gay'tat?

There are signs of action -- but only because gays have been vocal in saying that waiting is unacceptable.

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