Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Surprises and contrasts

I had an unusual evening at the Ruth Ellis Center. The first surprise was that the parking lot was full. Second was they had live musicians playing. Third was who those musicians were -- The Cut-Time Players, about 8 members of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. The DSO is on strike right now, but many players keep busy. This was their third gig of the day. I've seen these players from my seat in Orchestra Hall so could also name most of them. The percussionist was my teacher when I took a percussion class as part of my graduate degree. He didn't remember my name but my face was familiar. I helped him get a couple timpani down the stairs (REC is up two flights and there is no elevator or handicap access). Alas, I didn't find out who invited them and who paid the bill.

A group brought in dinner, which happens every so often. Usually it is a group from a Unitarian Universalist Church or a Metropolitan Community Church. The fourth surprise was the name of this group: MIGRA or Michigan Gay Rodeo Association. Yup, the same evening in which the DSO provided the music. They had roast turkey, ham, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, salad, and rolls. I think they also made up icing for sugar cookies. In addition to the food a table had been stacked with blankets for the kids to take with them. That was a meaningful gift because many of them have been kicked out of their parent's house. Merry Christmas!

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