Thursday, May 7, 2015

Closely divided

Though it doesn't have any force of law, the Cleveland City Council approved a bill to declare support for same-sex marriage. The vote was 14-2. This is part of a chorus of voices around Ohio and across the nation saying we're ready for the freedom to marry.

Lots of the conservative dirty work is done without people noticing. Tresa Undem uses a visual representation of abortion laws in a state, what they do, and when they were passed. On seeing these visuals people are usually outraged. And at least 69% of respondents say they want the abortion experience to be: "comfortable," "supportive," "without pressure," "non-judgmental," "affordable," "informed by medically-accurate information," or "without added burdens." So much for the claim the opinion on abortion is "closely divided."

The recent storm in Indiana over the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (Permission to Persecute Act) has caused opposition to such laws to grow. Since January support for such laws has dropped from 57% to 41%.

The Department of Health and Human Services has cut the recommended amount of fluoride in water from 1.2 milligrams per liter to 0.7. Some would say it should be zero.

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