Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Taxes are too high!

Michigan has been knocked back on its kiester due to the shrinking of the auto industry. The state budget is a mess with cuts to everything. The Detroit Free Press has reported in the past that the state tax system is structured around a robust auto industry and it will never contribute the taxes it has in the past. It's time to restructure the tax system to get revenues from the 21st century economy based on services. Naturally, the GOP controlled state senate is sticking to its no new taxes pledge, easily making the Dem governor dance to their tune. School systems and state universities faced cuts this year and are crying for help.

That leaves me wondering just exactly does the GOP consider to be essential government services. The answer appears to be: None. Their goal seems to be no government at all.

Focus on the Family, the Fundie organization that has long said nasty things about gays, has its headquarters in Colorado Springs. Several other Fundie and conservative groups have made their home in the city and now control its politics. The city has rejected tax increases and the city treasury will soon be empty. Already a third of the street lights are out; parks, pools, and museums are about to close; there aren't enough firefighters or cops; no busses on weekends; no more street paving. The newly homeless residents no longer have social services and are setting up tent ghettos. Taxes still too high?

I've wondered if the Michigan governor would ever consider sitting down with the majority leader of the senate and go over every item in the budget, saying, "Do you believe the government should pay for… -- yes or no." Then go on to how much, then on to how to pay for them. She could then go to the public and say, "This is what the GOP thinks are the only things government should pay for. Do you agree?" Alas, she's too much of a wimp and the GOP are too evasive to be pinned down that clearly.

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