Friday, June 27, 2014

Proud to be in such company

At the various Freedom Friday protests in Detroit there have always been lots of photographers. I'm sure most of them are our allies because they are welcomed (or at least tolerated) by the leaders. It would be easy for me to hide behind whatever sign I'm carrying but I figure I should be proud to be photographed in such company.

When the announcement came for this week's protest this photo was at the top of the email:

Yes, that's me in the middle of the frame. The photo was from two weeks ago (when the weather was still cool).

Today's protest was a bit more ambitious. We met at the Detroit Water Building, as we have been. We marched there for about a half hour. About 40 protesters gathered. From there we marched towards Campus Martius and then up Woodward Ave. to Grand Circus Park. This time for much of the distance we were in the street, not on the sidewalk (I'm sure to the annoyance of the regular traffic). Once at the park several people spoke while we displayed signs visible to Woodward traffic. I stayed for only 20 minutes of that before getting back to my car next to a parking meter.

One thing I learned: The pensioners are voting on whether to accept the reduction in their pensions as part of the bankruptcy Grand Bargain (or Grand Theft Bargain). Some are telling the story that those pensioners who vote no are sent a second ballot. These protesters are convinced the vote is rigged.

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