Thursday, August 26, 2010

Breaking up is so hard to do

At a meeting of about 400 Anglican Bishops in Africa have met to discuss their future. Rowan Williams, the head of all Anglicans was in attendance. The Africans have had enough. The Anglican Church, they say, has already split. All that's left is the paperwork. The African Church, they maintain, has been the only ones to hold true to the Bible, especially on teachings on homosexuality and perhaps it's time for Africans to send missionaries to Europe and America.

Williams was his usual spineless self, trying to appease the Africans to get them to stay in the worldwide Communion. Though, by the end, he conceded that perhaps the split is for the best. What was missing, however, was an effort to state why the African position was wrong. If the Africans are going to leave no matter what you do, why not do what's right?

In other church news, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) has allowed non-celibate gays to serve as pastors. Now leaders of 18 congregations (out of over 10,000 in the denomination) who have left the ELCA will soon vote whether to form a new denomination, the American Lutheran Church, one that will "follow scriptures more faithfully." Over 300 other congregations have, or soon will, complete the necessary actions to secede from the ELCA.

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