Monday, October 27, 2008

A bit of a backfire

The Mormon Church has been pushing hard for the passage of marriage protection amendments in Calif. and Arizona. They are calling it a directive from God and a test of faith and loyalty. I think the statistics I saw (though I don't remember where) showed they are responsible for about 40% of the yes donations while they are only about 5% of the population. But this push is taking a heavy toll on local congregations. Members complain of being "compared to Satan's minions" and that's mild to those facing excommunication. Others have left the church, at least until after the election, fed up with the mean things being said about gays. But that doesn't stop some from opposing the drive because they feel it mocks their church's theology and then they are dissatisfied with the way their dissent has been handled and the intolerance they feel from fellow members.

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