Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Looking at our world

Photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand has been photographing our world from the sky since 1994. In 2009 there will be an exhibit titled Earth From Above in NYC of 150 of his photos, enlarged to 4 ft. by 6 ft. Here is a website of 38 of them. Stunning!

Another look at the world, this time through maps. Daniel Dorling, Mark Newman, and Anna Barford have created The Atlas of the Real World, a book of maps in which the space a country takes up on the map reflects a particular value, such as the number of tourists who come to a country (France is huge), mopeds per person (India wins out), or housing prices (Japan, USA, and Western Europe are tops). Yes, this highly distorts what the map usually looks like but in a fascinating way. Here's a collection of 18 of the maps.

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