Tuesday, October 28, 2008

You're too smart for the job

Yeah, I know I'm about to comment on a posting several weeks old (it predates Joe the Plumber). But since then I've seen two comic strips that fit this theme well. If you must skip my blathering, at least check out the links below.

We have Palin full of folksy charm and simple language attracting lots of attention. We have Joe Biden who has a command of the issues and is dismissed as boring and professional. Huh? Haven't we been down this road before with Bush?

Perhaps intellectualism is a new wedge issue being waged by the GOP. McCain decries Obama celebrity status yet offers no facts to back up his claims or his policies. Palin stumbles through interviews and is praised as a "breath of fresh air." The claim Obama and Biden are "out of touch" because they are so smart and thoughtful on issues they don't understand your life. Proof? They eat fancy salads with arugula. I agree that I'd prefer a president who is smarter than me.

And now for the comics:
Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller on Sunday, Oct. 12.

Doonesbury by GB Trudeau on Sunday, Oct. 26.

1 comment:

  1. yeah since when do we want an average joe or joella for president? we want a smart, capable, leader.
