Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Let's get ready for the next one

First graders take a field trip to attend their teacher's lesbian wedding (with parental permission). Opponents cry foul lamenting indoctrination.

Love the graphic on this one. Alas, it points out a historical first that both GOP candidates have violated ethics standards before a national election.

A good commercial against the Calif. marriage amendment.

Is the GOP giving up on McCain? The Republican National Committee is routing its money away from McCain and towards various senate races.

Forget '08. This campaign is being used to groom Palin for '12.


  1. i have to say, kids should be learning in school so the idea of this class trip seems a bit odd.

  2. One of my friends is a retired high school assistant principal. His opinion was that not all education was done in the classroom and every so often it was important for a student to be exposed to something away from school -- such as the opening day of the baseball season (if you did it once, not every year).

    In the case of a teacher getting married these first grade kids would learn more from attending a wedding (especially lesbian) than their reading lessons could supply for the day. It would also help the kids relate to her. Sounds like a win to me.
