Saturday, October 25, 2008

A sweet Supreme

Michigan Supreme Court nominee Diane Hathaway got a cover article from Between the Lines (Michigan's gay newspaper). Not only does the article talk about how gay friendly she is, it talks about how nasty Chief Justice Cliff Taylor (the guy she's running against) is. The Citizens for Traditional Values rates the Michigan Supremes the "Best Court in America" and ranked by the University of Chicago as last for judicial independence from political pressure. Taylor himself said, "the Liberals on the left can't get any of their lousy ideas accepted and it is the job of the courts to make sure that their efforts to do so are thwarted." Really? Isn't the job of the courts to uphold the law? Attorney Jay Kaplan of the ACLU LGBT project said, "It is virtually impossible to bring a case in Michigan that will promote the civil rights of any minority, let alone LGBT people, with the current configuration of the court." In spite of Taylor's campaign fund approaching $2 million and strong support from the fundies, Hathaway is now slightly ahead in the polls. But there are still lots of undecided and many people don't bother voting for judges. Your vote matters.

This is sweet: I just got a mailing from the Democratic State Central Committee trying to look like the NRA, trumpeting that Cliff Taylor voted to ban hunting on private property and that Hathaway is the niece of a former NRA bigwig. The sweetness comes from trying to scare hunters away from a die-hard conservative.

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